Summary of Haftarat Beha’alotcha

Summary of Haftarat Beha’alotcha

Zechariah 2:10-4:7

The restoration of the Temple is a central concern throughout the haftarah potion. The haftarah begins with a charge to the daughter of Zion to sing and rejoice because God’s presence is returning to the Temple. The haftarah portion spans two of Zechariah’s visions: the vision of the priest with dirty clothes and the vision of the menorah.

The vision of the priest with the dirty clothes is a prophecy directed toward Joshua, the high priest. Zechariah sees the high priest standing trial in the heavenly court while wearing soiled garments. The adversary accuses him before the LORD, but the LORD exonerates Joshua and clothes him in clean garments.

The vision of the menorah is a prophecy directed to Zerubbabel, the governor and Davidic heir. In the vision, Zechariah sees a golden menorah flanked by two olive trees that offer the lamps a continuous oil supply. The LORD announces to Zerubbabel that the Temple will not be rebuilt by means of power or might, but by a divine act of His Spirit. Though obstacles might tower like mountains, Zerubbabel will certainly succeed in completing the Temple.

Parashat Beha’alotcha opens with instructions for Aaron the priest regarding the daily lighting of menorah and the maintenance of its lamps in the Tabernacle. The rabbis matched this passage of Zechariah to the Torah portion because the haftarah concludes with the vision of the menorah and the olive trees. For the same reason, we also read this haftarah on the first Shabbat that falls during the week of Chanukah.

From FFOZ Voice of the Prophets

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