Summary of Haftarat Mattot
Jeremiah 1:1-2:3
The LORD commissions Jeremiah to serve Him as a prophet, declaring that He has chosen him for this purpose since before he was conceived. Jeremiah objects on the basis of his youth and lack of public speaking skills. The LORD overrules the objections and touches his mouth, imparting the prophetic word to Jeremiah. He warns Jeremiah that the people will not receive his message. He assures him of divine protection so long as he refuses to be intimidated by the people of Judah.
The LORD gives Jeremiah a vision of an almond branch to demonstrate that He is watching to bring about the fulfillment of His Word. He shows him a vision of a boiling pot tipping over the land to demonstrate that He will bring chastisement if the form of invaders from the north. The invaders will set up their thrones in the gates of conquered Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 2 begins a new oracle in which the LORD nostalgically recalls the early days of His relationship with Israel and declares that Israel is holy to Him as the first fruits of the harvest.
The haftarah for Mattot is read on Shabbat Pinchas when that Shabbat falls after the Fast of Tammuz.
The Fast of Tammuz falls on the 17th of Tammuz.
From First Fruits of Zion; Voice of the Prophets
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