Verse of the Day
Welcome to Beth Simcha

This Shabbat Feb 22 I will be teaching out of Exodus chapter 24
Come and see, come and hear, come receive comfort and joy from the Lord as we worship the living God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in spirit and in truth.
Please visit our links page for we just added a link to a video of one of my best friends Sharbel Richard, and me singing and playing the MaTovu.
Blessings to all of you in Messiah Yeshua
Jim and Judy Rickard
Summary of Haftarat Shabbat Machar Chodesh
Summary of Haftarat Shabbat Machar Chodesh The Talmud says that “if the new moon falls on the first day of the week, then the haftarah read on the day before is the passage that beings with the word [of 1 Samuel 20:18} “ Tomorrow in the new moon. That is…
Summary of Haftarat Nitzavim
Summary of Haftarat Nitzavim Isaiah 61:10-63:9 The haftarah for Shabbat Nitzavim is the last in a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the Fast of Av and the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolations, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah 40-66), offer words…
Summary of Haftarat Ki Tavo
Summary of Haftarat Ki Tavo The haftarah for Shabbat Ki Tavo (“when you come”), is the sixth is a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the Fast of Av, and the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolations, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah…
Summary of Haftarat Ki Tetze
Summary of Haftarat Ki Tetze Isaiah 54:1-10 The haftarah for Shabbat Kie Tetze is the fifth in a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the Fast of Ave and the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolations, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah 40-66), offer words of…
Men are men and women are women
Tuesday August 22, 2023 5th day of the 6th month Elul 5783 Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God. As I read this verse…
Summary of Haftarat Shoftim
Summary of Haftarat Shoftim Isaiah 51:12-52:12 The haftarah for Shabbat Shoftim is the fourth is a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the fast of Av and the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolation, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah 40-66), offer words…
Summary of Haftarat Re’eh
Summary of Haftarat Re’eh The haftarah for Shabbat Re’eh is the third in a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the Fast of Av and the anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolations, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah 40-66), offer words of comfort…
Summary of Haftarat Ekev
Summary of Haftarat Ekev Isaiah 49:14-51:3 The haftarah for Shabbat Ekev is the second in a series of seven successive haftarah readings that follow the Fast of Av, and anniversary of the destruction of Jerusalem. The Seven Consolations, each drawn from Isaiah’s Book of Consolations (Isaiah 40-66), offer words of…
Summary of Haftarat Massei
Summary of Haftarat Massei Jeremiah 2:4-18, 3:4 The Sages who created the synagogue setting ordinarily chose haftarah portions on the basis of some similarity in content between the passage and the weekly Torah portion. Instead the sages chose haftarah portions in connection with the catastrophic events of the destruction of…
Summary of Haftarat Mattot
Summary of Haftarat Mattot Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 The LORD commissions Jeremiah to serve Him as a prophet, declaring that He has chosen him for this purpose since before he was conceived. Jeremiah objects on the basis of his youth and lack of public speaking skills. The LORD overrules the objections and…