Verse of the Day
Welcome to Beth Simcha

This Shabbat Feb 22 I will be teaching out of Exodus chapter 24
Come and see, come and hear, come receive comfort and joy from the Lord as we worship the living God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob in spirit and in truth.
Please visit our links page for we just added a link to a video of one of my best friends Sharbel Richard, and me singing and playing the MaTovu.
Blessings to all of you in Messiah Yeshua
Jim and Judy Rickard
Summary of Hafatarat Balak
Summary of Haftarat Balak Micah 5:7-6:8 The haftarah for Balak begins with Micah’s description of the remnant of Israel dispersed among the nations. The people of Israel will be like life-giving dew to the nations of the earth, but they will also rise up like a lion to defeat their…
Weekly email
Shalom all Please join us at 9:00 AM for our pre-service prayer time. There is so much to pray for. I will be teaching out of Matthew 24:29-31 Rosh Chodesh Monday June 19 6:00 PM Jim and Judy’s Women’s Fellowship Sunday June 25 2:00 PM Jim and Judy’s Diapers are…
Summary of Haftarat Beha’alotcha
Summary of Haftarat Beha’alotcha Zechariah 2:10-4:7 The restoration of the Temple is a central concern throughout the haftarah potion. The haftarah begins with a charge to the daughter of Zion to sing and rejoice because God’s presence is returning to the Temple. The haftarah portion spans two of Zechariah’s visions:…
Summary of Haftarat Nasso
Summary of Haftarat Nasso The haftarah portion introduces the Samson narratives, a cycle of stories (Judges13-16) that relate the adventures and misadventures of Israel’s heroic strongmen. The haftarah opens with an angel of the LORD appearing to the barren wife of Manoah the Danite. He announces that she will conceive…
Summary of Haftarat Shabbat HaChodesh
Summary of Haftarat Shabbat HaChodesh Shabbat HaChodesh is the last of the four special Sabbaths that come before the month of Nisan: Sheklim, Zachor, Parah, and HaChodesh. On the fourth of the four special Sabbaths, they read the passage of Exodus 12:1-20 that begins, “This month shall be for you,…
Summary of Haftarah Shabbat Zachor
Summary of Haftarah Shabbat Zachor Shabbat Zachor is one of the four special Sabbaths that come before Passover. Shekalim, Zachor, Para, and HaChodesh. The Mishnah explains that “Zachor” is read on the Sabbath prior to Purim. Zachor is the first word used in the special maftir reading of Deuteronomy 25:17-19…
Summary for Haftarah Terumah
Summary of Haftarah Terumah 1 Kings 5:26-6:13 In Haftarat Terumah, King Solomon makes a covenant of peace with Hiram of Tyre and secures a trade agreement. Hiram supplies Solomon with timber and craftsmen for the construction of the Temple in exchange for agricultural produce. Solomon an Israelite labor force to…
Summary of Haftarah for B’reisheet
Summary of Haftarat B’reisheet Isaiah 42:5-43:10 In this week’s haftarah reading, the Prophet Isaiah offering a message of hope and deliverance to the sixth century exilic community dwelling in the Babylonian diaspora and an exciting universal message of hope and inclusion to all humanity. Through the prophet’s voice, the LORD…
What is the Parashah
The Torah Cycle The weekly Torah readings are what is read in Jewish and Messianic synagogues and congregations every Shabbat. “For Moses from ancient generations has in every city those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogue every Sabbath” (Acts 15:21). In the synagogue, the Torah begins…
What Some Experts Are Saying On The Covid Vaccines That Others Are Not Saying
DR. CARRIE MADEJ, MD, EXPOSES THE COVID VAXX AND WHAT’S IN IT! Doctor Ryan Cole, MD/Scientist from Mayo Clinic discusses incontrovertible evidence of effects of Covid vaccine on human bodies after autopsies were performed.